Surnames beginning with R

RATCLIFFE, Bernard?; 1913-1913; Blackburn, LAN, ENG
RATCLIFFE, Elizabeth Mabel; 1914-1985; New Bedford, Mass. USA
RATCLIFFE, Ellen (COOPER, Ellen); 1883-1960; 31 Oak Street, Blackburn, LAN, ENG
RATCLIFFE, Herbert C.; 1879-1943; Long Beach, California, USA
RATCLIFFE, Herbert Cooper; 1919-1975; New Bedford, Mass. USA

RATLIFFE(?), Ellen (COOPER, Ellen); 1883-1960; 31 Oak Street, Blackburn, LAN, ENG
RATLIFFE(?), Lois (?, Lois)

Names in italics indicate the maiden name or "real name" of a person indexed by an alias.

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